What is Alibaba Mail?
Enterprise-grade email service on the cloud
Email management services for business made easy, fast, secure and stable!
Why use Alibaba Mail?
Professional Company Domain
- Showcase professionalism in your email communications.
- Authentic, credible and trustworthy.
- Build customers confidence and business success rate.
Security & Safety
- Protect all business email communications.
- Spam mail detection and elimination.
- Lower cybersecurity risks.
- 20+ international, regional and industry-specific security compliances
- GDPR data compliance
Large Storage Mail Box
- Enjoy 1TB mail box storage and 10GB cloud storage.
- Never frustrate over insufficient space problem anymore.
- Send and receive large email attachments up to 2GB
Built-in Value-Added Features
- Increase work productivity with free value-added built-in functionalities to speed up your email communication.
- Cross-device available and full access to a comprehensive list of features, including basic user features and administrative features.
Speedy Performance
- Enjoy exclusive channels for global email service.
- More than 20 data centres across 6 continents and in 70+ countries.
- Send/Receive large emails in a quick and reliable way.
All-inclusive 24/7 Customer Support
- 24/7 technical support, get technical help anytime!
- Free support, no extra charges.
- Quick after-sale support within 18 hours.